Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dine out, do good

Kabuto Lake Norman, from now until the end of June, will donate 10 percent of its food sales to the victims of the Japan Tsunami, through the Red Cross, says general manager Megan Tan. 16516 Northcross Drive in Huntersville; 704-655-0077.

Also, coming up at this Kabuto: a Momokawa flavored sake tasting April 1-2. You choose how many to try: three for $5, six for $10, nine for $14. Flavors include plain, watermelon, raspberry, grape, peach, sour apple, island punch, melon and orange.

Providence Road Sundries will donate dinner proceeds from 5-10 p.m. April 3 to Myers Park Presbyterian Church's mission trip to El Salvador in June, where the goal is to build seven Habitat for Humanity houses in Getsemani. 1522 Providence Road; 704-366-4467.